Starting at Customization, our trial clients have a six (6) week period to determine if they perceive significant benefit from the use of our low-gain programmed hearing aids.

A previous diagnosis of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is not required. Please be advised that we are not able to use outside testing for auditory processing for diagnostic or advising purposes, as there is no universally accepted standard of measurement. Patients under 18 years old are required to have a current audiogram, or to obtain one through our practice, prior to transitioning to a permanent low-gain hearing aid fitting.

Trials are available for auditory processing disorders, dyslexia, autism, and ADHD with auditory components, speech and language delays or disorders, misophonia, tinnitus, and hyperacusis.

Soft sounds should be audible - Medium sounds should be comfortable - Loud sounds should be tolerable

Requirements for LGHA Trial Participation

Trial Hearing Aid - Requirements and costs include:

  • A total non-refundable cost of $110.00 USD includes the cost of a new (to be kept) digital video otoscope ($50), a pair of headphones specifically chosen for testing ($10), as well as shipping ($50), provided all trial equipment is returned in working condition within 30 days, following the end of the trial.

  • A completed hearing test and a signed physician medical clearance statement must be provided prior to all permanent pediatric fittings.

  • Security deposits (refundable deposit) are typically $800.

  • Accessories and Equipment (refundable deposit) are $100-150, based on accessory/equipment required:

  • Equipment Requirements

    • Windows 10 or better laptop (required for Trial)

    • High-speed internet connectivity for use with screen sharing programs such as Zoom and/or Aeroadmin .

  • Accessories Available

    • Remote Microphone to listen to teachers or coaches at a distance up to 20-30 feet indoors, 30-40 outdoors.

    • TV Connector to listen to TV directly to the ears at a preferred level, and allow freedom of movement.